Punta Arenas
In the distance I saw this and just had to go. It was a long and very cold walk - and when I finally got there, not worth it. These ships, or rather hulls, were definitely old. |
However, I discovered that the Chilean Navy was controlling the area and had guards posted and access was restricted. This was the best I could do. |
When I finally got back, I saw that the navy reserve had a party going on and was getting the kids, parents, and young people motivated for a beach clean-up walk (and do a little recruiting, while at it). I stopped to chat with the commander. There was lots of music, dancing, refreshments, and 'party animals'. |
Across the street one of the coolest displays of wall art. Those murals were masterfully done and depict this area as it looked in the days of whaling. |
The best is yet to come :-)